

Promo Video and Stills From Motion

Promo video for Dip by Ori Media

An exciting project that allowed us to explore new ways of producing stories.
— Shadna Aum

Our ongoing relationships with Ugly Magazine and Canon USA provided an opportunity to create a collaborative fashion narrative that provided both parties assets of video and photo (stills from motion) to be used in promotional campaigns, and the inaugural print edition of Ugly Magazine.

The project was shot as 4K video on the Canon 1DC which allowed the capability to select the best stills for a 6-page spread. The results speak for themselves and were a great success for both Ugly Magazine and Canon USA. 

Director - Michael Ori
Editor - Joey Jonaitis
Model - Jamie Lynn Crandall
HMUA - Erin Dockstader
Stylists - Abbey Tate & Casey Chase

Camera - Canon 1DC
Housing -  Aquatech
Equipment - Kessler Pocket Dolly

Michael Ori