Aristo's Photography


Food Photography

As far as authenticity goes, it doesn’t get any more real than this.
— Aristo Bousksikakis

Anyone who has photographed food knows how difficult it can be to get the right shot. It takes impeccable timing and careful attention to get every aspect of a dish to look crisp and complete. Luckily, Aristo's cuisine is full of vibrant colors and fresh ingredients so each individual composition looks unique and memorable.

We gave each photo longevity by formatting every file to look great on the web and in printed ads. Our photography philosophy exists with the same authenticity that Aristo founded his traditional Greek restaurant on.

Director/Editor - Michael Ori  
1st AC/AD - Joey Jonaitis
Production Assistant - Casey Chase 

Camera - Canon EOS 1D C
Lenses - Canon EF 24-70mm

Michael Ori